
We are a collective of scientists and naturalists blogging about reptiles and amphibians. Here is a list of our blogs:


Living Alongside Wildlife: Dr. David Steen posts on wildlife natural history with the goal of promoting human and wildlife coexistence. Topics cover all herps, but usually focuses on those that have bad reputations.

Strike, Rattle, & Roll: Bree Putman’s research on predator-prey interactions between rattlesnakes and ground squirrels. General rattlesnake behavior and biology. Videos of wild snakes behaving in unique ways.

The Travelling Taxonomist: Mark Scherz’s travels in search of reptiles and amphibians in Madagascar. Evolution, biodiversity, systematics, and taxonomy.

Social Snakes: The official blog of Advocates for Snake Preservation. We change how people view and treat snakes with stories, photos, and videos of snake behavior in the wild.

Life is Short, but Snakes are Long: Snake natural history and herpetology research by Andrew Durso. Posts usually translated in Spanish!

Field Herper: Field notes from the herping adventures of Bryan Hughes. Beautiful photography of animals in their natural habitat.

Ophidiophilia: The adventures in Dr. Emily Taylor’s studies on lizards and snakes, voyages to help friends with their research, and trips to exotic localities in search of all things scaly.

Australian Museum: Learn about fantastic frogs and other amphibians from Dr. Jodi Rowley.

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